The great history of the Dordogne firefighters
  • The great history of the Dordogne firefighters
  • The great history of the Dordogne firefighters

The great history of the Dordogne firefighters

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Author : Olivier RIGAUD

A thousand years of disasters, accidents, disasters in Périgord.

Elements have always been unleashed in Périgord to cause fires, floods, storms and other misfortunes.

Instinctively, men quickly became aware of the dangers and learned to guard against them. Faced with the rage of the plagues, their courage was no longer enough, it became necessary to equip and train volunteers from the population to bring help: on January 9, 1812, the first company of firefighters was created in the Dordogne.


This richly illustrated book will take you on a journey through more than ten centuries and travel through the most serious disasters, accidents and disasters it has ever known. The author also immerses you in the history of a community rich in heart and values: that of firefighters. Acclaimed by the general public, this corporation has long been unique in its state of mind and its ability to mobilize. This story brings a look at what they are or have been in the department. From disappeared companies to the most modern centers, from hand pumps to contemporary vehicles, the evolution of these men, their organization and their equipment will bring you a different vision of the history of Périgord.

Professionals or volunteers, deeply attached to their territory, upon receipt of the alert, they are ready to intervene twenty-four hours a day to protect their fellow citizens. You know them, they are part of your family, they are your friends or neighbors, they are distinguished by their action, their commitment and their dedication. In all places and for a very long time, they have decided to put their lives at the service of others and this commitment makes them exceptional. This beautiful book pays tribute to all these generations of solidarity and courageous Périgordins.

Born in Périgueux, man of communication and photojournalist, Olivier Rigaud has been above all a firefighter for more than twenty-five years, first volunteer, then military and then professional. The third Frenchman to be integrated into the International Organization of Fire Photographers (IOFP), he is regularly solicited as a journalist reporter by press organs, publishers and major official institutions. Seven years of intensive research and personal work were necessary for him to produce this magnificent book, richly illustrated, on firefighters and disasters in the Dordogne over the centuries.

147 Items

Data sheet

Olivier Rigaud
Hardcover book 33 x 24 cm
Number of pages
250 pages